• The Bible is a revelation of God's purpose given through chosen men who were guided by His Spirit. It is therefore infallible and authoritative.

• The Bible reveals that God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He dwells in the heavens in inaccessible light. He is all-powerful, all-wise, a God of love, mercy, holiness, justice and truth. God is a unity.

• The Spirit of God is His power by which He sustains creation, is present everywhere and reveals and accomplishes His will.

• Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, was born of the virgin Mary. He was tempted, like us, but remained perfect and sinless. He died, rose again, and ascended to his heavenly Father, where he sits at the right hand of God.

• Jesus Christ conquered sin through a sinless life. Jesus' death was an act of loving obedience to God through which we can obtain forgiveness of our sins. He is our Savior.

• Jesus will return to earth to judge the living and the dead and to establish a universal and permanent Kingdom on earth.

• Man is mortal, subject to death as a result of Adam's disobedience which resulted in death as punishment for sin. In the state of death, a man is a body deprived of life and totally unconscious as if it had never existed.

• "Soul" in the Bible means "creature", but it is also used to designate the different aspects in which a living creature can be contemplated, such as person, body, life, breathing, the mind. He never expresses the idea of ​​immortality.

• The earth is the sphere intended for the activity of the people of God, once made immortal. The word “hell” in the Bible simply means “the grave.”

• Repentance and baptism into Christ by total immersion in water are necessary for salvation.

• In the Kingdom of God on earth, Jerusalem will be the future capital of the world. All nations will be welcomed.